Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2D C++ Game: Pacman - Pre-Alpha

▪ Game states
▪ Score, lives calculation
▪ Monster AI
▪ Sound effects & background music
▪ More levels

Source Code:
 *    Pacman C++                                              *
 *    Written by Sunit Maharana (c) 2011 - 2012               *
 *    http://sunitdevdiary.blogspot.com                       *
 *    This source code is released under the The GNU          *
 *    General Public License (GPL). It is free and is         *
 *    distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
 *    you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the      *
 *    terms of the GNU General Public License.                *
// Allegro library
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h>

//Screen resolution
#define SCREEN_W 800
#define SCREEN_H 600
#define TILE_SIZE 32

// Game fps
#define FPS 60

// Direction
#define STAND 0
#define LEFT -1
#define RIGHT 1
#define UP -2
#define DOWN 2

// Game input keys
bool keyboard[5] = {false,false,false,false,false};

// Types of objects in the game
enum ObjectType {FOOD, BLOCK};

// Character Object Class
class CharacterObject
    float posX; // X coordinate of the Character Object
    float posY; // Y coordinate of the Character Object
    float speed; // Speed of the Character Object
    float angle; // Angle of rotation of Character Object
    int direction; // Direction [0 -> STAND, -1 -> LEFT, 1 -> RIGHT, -2 -> UP, 2 -> DOWN]

    int spritesheetWidth; // Width of the sprite sheet
    int spritesheetHeight; // Height of the sprite sheet
    int totalFrame; // Total number of frames
    int currentFrame; // Current frame counter
    int frameWidth; // Width of the selected region from the sprite sheet
    int frameHeight; // Height of the selected region from the sprite sheet
    int frameDelay; // Frame delay in between animation sequence
    int frameDelayCounter; // Frame delay counter
    ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image; // ALLEGRO_BITMAP to hold the sprite sheet

    // Class constructor
        posX = 0;
        posY = 0;
        speed = 0;
        direction = 0;
        angle = 0;
        spritesheetWidth = 0;
        spritesheetHeight = 0;
        totalFrame= 0;
        currentFrame = 0;
        frameWidth = 0;
        frameHeight = 0;
        frameDelay = 0;
        frameDelayCounter = 0;
        image = NULL;

    // Method To Initialize The CharacterObject
    void InitObject()
        // Returns the width of the sprite sheet
        spritesheetWidth = al_get_bitmap_width(image);
        // Returns the height of the sprite sheet
        spritesheetHeight = al_get_bitmap_height(image);
        // Calculation to find out individual frame width
        frameWidth = spritesheetWidth / totalFrame;
        // Calculation to find out individual frame height
        frameHeight = spritesheetHeight;
        // Makes the background of the sprite sheet transparent
        al_convert_mask_to_alpha(image,al_map_rgb(255, 0, 255));

    // Method to handle drawing logic of the Character Object
    void DrawObject(ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *screen)
        // X coordinate calculation of selected frame/region
        int currentFrameX = currentFrame * frameWidth;
        // Y coordinate of selected frame/region
        int currentFrameY = 0;
        // Empty bitmap to store rotated image
        ALLEGRO_BITMAP *rotated = NULL;
        // Creating the new bitmap with width and height same as the selected frame/region
        rotated = al_create_bitmap(frameWidth, frameHeight);
        // New bitmap selected for drawing instead of backbuffer
        // Particular region/frame is selected and drawn on to the new bitmap
        al_draw_bitmap_region(image, currentFrameX, currentFrameY, frameWidth, frameHeight, 0, 0, 0);
        // Drawing target changed back to backbuffer of the screen

        /* Logic to handle the rotation of the sprite as per direction
        0 degree is 0 radian
        90 degree is pi / 2
        180 degree is pi
        270 degree is 1.5 * pi
        360 degree is 2 * pi
        Check radian and degree conversion chart
            case STAND:
            angle = angle; // No rotation
            case LEFT:
            angle = ALLEGRO_PI; // 180 degree rotation
            case RIGHT:
            angle = 0 ; // 0 degree rotation
            case UP:
            angle = ALLEGRO_PI * 1.5; // 270 degree rotation
            case DOWN:
            angle = ALLEGRO_PI / 2; // 90 degree rotation
        // Rotate the new bitmap 'rotated' holding our selected region of the sprite sheet
        // Draw it on to the backbuffer
        al_draw_rotated_bitmap(rotated, frameWidth / 2, frameHeight / 2, posX, posY, angle, 0);
        // Free resoruce after using ALLEGRO_BITMAP 'rotated'
        // Logic to handle frame delay in animation sequence
        if(++frameDelayCounter >= frameDelay)
            // Frame animation sequence logic
            // Increment frame & reset frame counter to 0 after traversing through all frames
            if(++currentFrame >= totalFrame)currentFrame = 0;
            // If Character Object is standing, only draw the first frame of the sprite sheet
            if(direction == STAND){currentFrame = 0;frameDelayCounter = frameDelay;}
            // Reset frame delay counter to 0, after it has completed its delay cycle
            frameDelayCounter = 0;

    // Method to handle movement, direction and collision logic of Character Object
    void UpdateLogic()
        //Update object direction as per keyPress
        if(keyboard[KEY_UP])direction = -2;
        if(keyboard[KEY_DOWN])direction = 2;
        if(keyboard[KEY_LEFT])direction = -1;
        if(keyboard[KEY_RIGHT])direction = 1;

        //Update object speed as per direction
            case LEFT:
            posX = posX - speed; // Move negative to x-axis
            case RIGHT:
            posX = posX + speed; // Move along the x-axis
            case UP:
            posY = posY - speed; // Move negative to y-axis
            case DOWN:
            posY = posY + speed; // Move along the y-axis
            case STAND: // No update in position

        //Check for collision [Object moving out of the screen]
        if(posX>=SCREEN_W)posX=10; // If Character Object position outside right of the screen
        if(posY>=SCREEN_H)posY=10; // If Character Object position outside bottom of the screen
        if(posX<=0)posX=SCREEN_W;  // If Character Object position outside the left of screen
        if(posY<=0)posY=SCREEN_H;  // If Character Object position outsided the top of the

    //Method to handle collision
    template <class T>
    void CollisionLogic(T &object)
        if(this->posX + 10 > (object.posX - object.boundedBoxWidth/2) &&
        this->posX - 10 < (object.posX + object.boundedBoxWidth + object.boundedBoxWidth/2) &&
        this->posY + 10 > (object.posY - object.boundedBoxHeight/2) &&
        this->posY - 10 < (object.posY + object.boundedBoxHeight + object.boundedBoxHeight/2 ))
                 case BLOCK:
                        case LEFT:
                        posX = posX + 2;
                        case RIGHT:
                        posX = posX - 2;
                        case UP:
                        posY = posY + 2;
                        case DOWN:
                        posY= posY - 2;
                    direction = STAND; // Collision occurs, change direction to stand
                 case FOOD:
                    object.alive = false;





class GameObject
    float posX; // X coordinate of the Game Object
    float posY; // Y coordinate of the Game Object
    int type; // Type of Game Object
    bool alive; // Boolean flag to check if Game Object is alive
    int boundedBoxWidth; // Bounded box width for collision
    int boundedBoxHeight; // Bounded box height for collision
    ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image; // ALLEGRO_BITMAP to hold the image

        posX = 0;
        posY = 0;
        alive = true;
        boundedBoxWidth = 0;
        boundedBoxHeight = 0;
        image = NULL;

    // Method To Initialize The GameObject
    void InitObject(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image, float posX, float posY, int type)
        this->image = image;
        this->posX = posX;
        this->posY = posY;
        this->type = type;
        al_convert_mask_to_alpha(this->image, al_map_rgb(255, 0, 255));
        boundedBoxWidth = al_get_bitmap_width(image);
        boundedBoxHeight = al_get_bitmap_height(image);

    // Method to draw the GameObject
    void DrawObject()
        al_draw_bitmap(image, posX, posY, 0);


// GameManager class
class GameManager
    ALLEGRO_FILE *levelData; // ALLEGRO_FILE to operate external file
    ALLEGRO_BITMAP *foodSprite, *blockSprite; // ALLEGRO_BITMAP to hold food sprite, level block sprite
    CharacterObject Pacman; // Pacman object creation of class CharacteObject
    GameObject *gameObject; // Pointer to GameObject

    int gameObjectCount; // Variable to hold total count of Game Object's in a level
    int levelGrid[SCREEN_H / TILE_SIZE][SCREEN_W / TILE_SIZE]; // 2 dimensional array to hold level data from a external file

    // Method to Initialize Level
    void InitLevel()
        Pacman.image = al_load_bitmap("Pacman_Sprite_Sheet.PNG"); // Loading pacman sprite sheet
        Pacman.posX = SCREEN_W / 2; // Starting x-coordinate of pacman on the screen
        Pacman.posY = SCREEN_H / 2; // Starting y-coordinate of pacman on the screen
        Pacman.speed = 2.0; // Movement speed of pacman
        Pacman.totalFrame = 2; // Total number of pacman animation frames in the sprite sheet
        Pacman.frameDelay = 7; // Speed of pacman animation
        Pacman.InitObject(); // Initialize pacman

        gameObject = new GameObject[(SCREEN_W / TILE_SIZE) * (SCREEN_H / TILE_SIZE)];
        gameObjectCount = 0;

        foodSprite = al_load_bitmap("food.png");
        blockSprite = al_load_bitmap("block.png");

        levelData = al_fopen("level_1.data","r");

        // Loading and initializing Level & Game Objects
        for(int row=0;row < SCREEN_H / TILE_SIZE;row++)
            for(int column=0;column < SCREEN_W / TILE_SIZE;column++)
                levelGrid[row][column] = al_fgetc(levelData);
                    case 10:
                    case 49:
                    gameObject[gameObjectCount].InitObject(blockSprite, column * TILE_SIZE, row * TILE_SIZE, BLOCK);
                    case 48:
                    gameObject[gameObjectCount].InitObject(foodSprite, column * TILE_SIZE, row * TILE_SIZE, FOOD);


    void DrawLevel(ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *screen)
        // Draw level objects
        for(int loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < gameObjectCount; loopCounter++)

        // Draw pacman Character Object


    void UpdateLogic()
        // Update pacman Character Object logic
        // Update pacman collision check
        for(int loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < gameObjectCount; loopCounter++)

    // Method to update keypress events
    void KeyboardEventUpdate(ALLEGRO_EVENT &event, bool flag)
            case ALLEGRO_KEY_UP:
            keyboard[KEY_UP] = flag;
            case ALLEGRO_KEY_DOWN:
            keyboard[KEY_DOWN] = flag;
            case ALLEGRO_KEY_LEFT:
            keyboard[KEY_LEFT] = flag;
            case ALLEGRO_KEY_RIGHT:
            keyboard[KEY_RIGHT] = flag;
            case ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE:
            keyboard[KEY_ESCAPE] = flag;


int main()
    al_init(); // Start Allegro
    ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *screen = NULL; // Main display
    ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *event_queue = NULL; // Event queue to maintain events
    ALLEGRO_TIMER *timer = NULL; // Timer to control game fps

    // Initializing screen, event queue and timer
    screen = al_create_display(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
    event_queue = al_create_event_queue();
    timer = al_create_timer(1.0/FPS); // Timer set to tick at 60 frames per second

    al_init_image_addon(); // Initialize Allegro image addon
    al_install_keyboard(); // Initialize Allegro keyboard
    al_start_timer(timer); // Start timer

    // Register event sources to be handled in the event queue
    al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source());

    GameManager gameManager; // Object creation
    gameManager.InitLevel(); // Function call

    //Main game loop
    while(!keyboard[KEY_ESCAPE]) // Run while escape key is not pressed
        ALLEGRO_EVENT event; // ALLEGRO_EVENT to hold events
        al_wait_for_event(event_queue,&event); // Wait for events to occur

        // Display handler
        // Draw if timer counter has incremented and there are no events to handle
        // and event queue is empty
        if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER && al_is_event_queue_empty(event_queue))
            al_flip_display(); // Display backbuffer on to the main screen
            al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0)); // Clear display to black

        //Event handlers
        if (event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER)
            gameManager.UpdateLogic(); // Function call
        else if(event.type==ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE)
            break; // End game loop on closing display window
        else if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
            gameManager.KeyboardEventUpdate(event, true); // Update routine on key press
        else if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP)
            gameManager.KeyboardEventUpdate(event, false); // Update routine on key release

    } // End of Game Loop

    al_destroy_display(screen); // Destroy display
    return 0;

Required data to run the game:

▪ Pacman_Sprite_Sheet.png
▪ block.png
▪ food.png
▪ level_1.data
1                       1
1 00000000000000000000001
1 011111111 0011111111 01
1 01        00       1 01
1 01 00000000000000001 01
1 01 011111 0011111 01 01
1 01 01     00    1 01 01
1 0  0  0000000000  0  01
1 00000000000000000000001
1 01 01 00000000001 01 01
1 01 011111 0011111 01 01
1 01 0      00      01 01
1 01 00000000000000001 01
1 011111111 0011111111 01
1 0         00         01
1 00000000000000000000001


Unknown said...

how to run in c++ in my compiler it says about allegro library in start of the code that no such type of directory or library so what i do with this

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