Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rebirth of the dead blog

Since a long time this blog has been dead, so I came up with an idea of reviving this blog into a personal development diary i.e I would jot down, the progress of any project i am working on. Doing so would be beneficial for me to keep track of my learning process and for future reference as well. I will try to maintain the posts in such a perspective that, it will aid in the understanding of others as well.

Today, I changed the name of the blog to 'sunitdevdiary' which was previously named as 'smcybercool' (Sounds much more sensible now), changed the template of the blog and did some tweaks to the code, cleared up the old posts, made a new logo as well, with my favourite childhood paint program 'Ms Paint'. I bet everyone must have scribbled in it, atleast once in their lifetime.


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