Thursday, October 27, 2011

2D C++ Game: Part 1 - Introduction

I have always been a video game enthusiast since my childhood. My first gaming console I owned was 'NES' (Nintendo Entertainment System) which came with a complementary cartridge 'Super Mario Bros' (which I could never complete), I was just simply hooked to it.

Even though technology and gaming industry has steeped up vastly, I still love those 8-bit console games which I used to play in my childhood days, not only because it makes me nostalgic, its the effort, the developers must have put to make these games, considering the fact that in old times technology was still in its juvenile stage. This fascinates me.

I still remember being hooked for hours to 2D DOS games such as Paratroopers, Dangerous Dave, Keen Commander, Crystal Cave, Bio Menace and so on. Over the years the word 'Gaming' has undergone a paradigm shift, now we see awesome sound effects, high definition graphics and so on.

Why game development ?
For 2 reasons, first its a platform where you can bring your thoughts into reality. As a video game lover, I always wanted to make my own games but lacked the proper knowledge (Yes, I am damn lazy). Second, it will help you to improvise your coding skills because game programming is pretty much code intensive and you will get to apply all aspects of programming that you have learned, at some point of time while working on your game.

Anyways, now as I have got a lot of spare time lying around and my brain is rusting, so I thought of putting my mind into doing something productive rather than being sluggish. I have decided to, attempt to make 2D game(s), not sure about the genre though it may be a Side scroller, Role playing game or anything because I have not planned anything yet. Once I am comfortable with the aspects of game programming and stuff, I will plan accordingly as the time progresses. For now I just want things to go with the flow in my learning process. That's all for now, Ciao.


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